"The Legend of Zelda" is a trademark of Nintendo, excerpts of their art and sprites used here are copyrighted by Nintendo. This is a non- profit fan production.
Hey all, hope you're enjoying the new year. I haven't started on the next cave area yet, been busy tweaking up the Island a bit to look better, among other things. You can see some of what I've been working on below, I will be starting work on the Easter Mountain caves tonight.
the last one is new to me..
maybe a new area?
I'd recognize that last place anywhere.
It's where you meet Tingle in oracle of Ages, isn't it? *Is hopeful :p*
yes you are right, it's just a little bit different.
but what is a part of labrynna doing in koholint island?
probably easter egg. anyway i hope he brings this idea to nintendo to program and posibly finish the music and have it liscensed.
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