"The Legend of Zelda" is a trademark of Nintendo, excerpts of their art and sprites used here are copyrighted by Nintendo. This is a non- profit fan production.
MithosKuu; I´m working in a blog at this time. I would like to dedicate my first post to talk about your work. I would like to include images, links to your page. Before doing anything, I hope to know if I have your permission. Thanks for your attention I hope your answer. _Ark_
I would be honored, any pictures you want I am willing to provide
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MithosKuu; I´m working in a blog at this time.
I would like to dedicate my first post to talk about your work. I would like to include images, links to your page.
Before doing anything, I hope to know if I have your permission.
Thanks for your attention I hope your answer. _Ark_
I would be honored, any pictures you want I am willing to provide
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